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Friday, April 1, 2016

NaPoWriiMo 2016, National Poetry Writing Month, Day One: Two Lunes

I'm anxious as I record these first words on my commitment to NaPoWriMo's challenge to write a poem a day, to their prompt or my ow liking.  There's so much other work already piled up on the desk, too many other things to do.  I get distracted and overstay at the keyboard.  Can I do this?

My answer: is this start.  All I can do is try.  Excuse the drivel, folks, if it comes to that.  I'm in it for the exercise.  If anything develops further, that will be a bonus. Like practicing a discipline.  Like learning how and what other authors write (each prompt includes another participant's blog and an international writer whose work appears by translation in look up...exposure to the art, artists of the pen.

Today's challenge is to "write a lune... a sort of English-language haiku. While the haiku is a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable count, the lune is a three-line poem with a 5-3-5 syllable count.
There’s also a variant based on word-count, instead of syllable count, where the poem still has three lines, but the first line has five words, the second line has three words, and the third line has five words again. "

Okay, I can be looney for a bit.  (It's past midnight, technically day two, as I write this)...

Or lune-y, as the case may be.  Here are my NaPoWriMo beginnings.

Lune #1:    Chamber orchestra

                   Avant garde
                   Music's before time.                 (We'd heard Pekka Kuusisto for the first time tonight.)

Lune #2:   Writing for me means caution

                   Get enough sleep
                   To be in the moment.             (Technically, Lune #2 meets both parts of the challenge.)

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