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Saturday, February 9, 2019

NaPoWriMo Day 5, Five months later, Arden Hills

The challenge: Write a poem that in some way challenges my idea, my understanding, my use of of the notion of LINE  Ha!

                  she orders,
eyes w          ering to
               nd               and
               to see whether
               all are present
               and accounted
it's a
        FIRE DRILL
      actually,                 o    b     d,
not              heaven f      r     i

a real one.  So

Line           and march

It's a WONderful

Diving into NaPoWriMo on Day Four

NaPoWriMo ( Five months late, but then, who's counting?  Only me.)  2019 challenge, Day Four, September 2019

The challenge:
 To write about an abstract, the poem absolutely loaded with concrete words, images. Relentless.

Finding Love--still a draft
by Shirley Franklin

My heart has slipped its mooring, the careful craft now floats adrift,
meandering, now buoyed up, now sliding carelessly down a wave
crest new breaking. snowy froth, slipping forward
like a veil removed in haste merely covers the face for a moment
abandoning the graying wearer, too shy to be seen by just anyone
blinking back blue-gray eyes seeking black--
blink, pause. higher waves  overtower the first, the next, next.
Can we make it back to harbor, will the anchor hold fast.
Rope of hemp deserted, heart inclines toward sleep, to rest in Thee....