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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paris: A Tuesday List

Writer friend Lynn Fisher (her blog:  On and Off the Page) refers to 'the Tuesday list' and I find myself forming one as I read hers, a brief one coupled with a picture of her visit to Paris...which fuel
a list of my own Paris memories:

Paris...a chocolate that was just that, retro restaurant with heavy red velvet curtains, sidewalk bistro, large train station with pay toilets and no coins, walking a mere fraction of the louvre, hot August day at Versaille, Mona Lisa, train to Normandy, peering up through the legs of the Eiffel Tower, night barge on the Seine, streetside art kiosks, non-English-speaking airport, marrow bone appetizer, meditated in and on the structure that is Notre Dame, sated rainspout/gargoyles brooding over the city, bought a marionette...

I think I'll share this Tuesday/list thing on my blog too :-).  Thanks for the idea, Lynn,

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love your happy memory of Paris, Shirley. There is poetry to this lists thing, which is probably why I like it so much. If you want to, add your link to the host link at
    And join us every week!
