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Monday, May 2, 2016

NaPoWriMo 2016 Day 25: Starter Poem

Today's prompt is not new, but a fun one I and many other poets have done before: use a line from another poem as a starter for a new one, not re-writing the first, whether known or new, but just plucking out a single line and going from there.  See what happens.  Here's one from a brief 'moral'
poem which my mother sometimes quoted for me in times of stress:  "Be like the bird..." by Victor Hugo. Searching for the author led me to other good quotations where the bird is a positive model, one by Rabindranath Tagore, another by a Rev. Burt, both of these in thee arly twentieth century. Great minds in the same vein, or one inspired by the other??

You Can
by Shirley Smith Franklin

Be like the bird,
such good advice
by Christ himself
poets, writers
throughout ages
in many ways
in many forms
but all come 'round
to simple terms,
content to live
one day at a time,
just be, just be,
I can do this,
you can adjust,
build a good nest,
keep on singing,
weather the storm,
trust God to be,
cling to the branch,
lean into the wind,
let go, fly free,

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