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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NaPoWriMo Days 9 and 10: Tough Love

It happened again:  While taking my time to write day nine's challenge -- a 'noir' poem of any kind (I resist the task), I glance at day ten's challenge -- an 'un-love' poem of any kind... I've  come up with one that (sort of) fits both the challenges. See what you think!

Tough Love

You spoil the boy, he said.
You're going to have
trouble letting go,
when he grows up.

How could I not 
let him go
                  where his young heart
                  and his hopes
want to go?
How not enjoy,
                  as much as his first
                  baby attempts to roll over,
watching him take flight,
endure loss, and to grow?

I say what we can't deny:
                  having undertaken
                  to have and to hold
is having-to-let-go.

                  -- Shirley Smith Franklin


  1. Very true Shirley, and well done! Now why can't I think of one that fits two : )

  2. See you at the Friday reading?

  3. Thanks, Lynn. Writing to two challenges at once just 'happened.'
    Nope, I guess we won't be home by Friday.
    (BTW, There's a tornado watch tonight, in Louisiana, where we are this week.)

    1. Oh dear, take care! I guess I'll take the snow : )
