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Monday, April 25, 2011

A Whole New World

An attempt at a riff  i.e. a clever 'take', on Emily Dickinson's poem,
"I'm Nobody, Who Are You?" combined with yesterday's challenge
to write a biographical sort of poem.  It came out as a somewhat-
rhymed prose poem...I'm interested to see if it 'works'...I'm not
very enchanted with it so far...but it's the poem I eked out for today...

A Whole New World
by Shirley Smith Franklin

In my day it was all right to be an ordinary nobody, while in my children's,
it's important to be 'somebody,' be a special 'you.'  They hoot, strut, and
tweet, go casual, tease their peers and elders too, while 'ladies' once
wore hats and  gloves to church in case somebody looked at us, covered
our legs with cotton stockings, demurely secured by hidden garters, 'cause
whether we'd blend in, not stand out, was all that we wanted to know. They
compare and change their personae in cyberspace and fact, announcing
every detail in  their e-lists and their chat.  For us, feet and cycling were
common ways to go, but their feet stand still on skateboards; where to
find the car keys is more  important to know.  Chanting paeans of praise
to singers who bray like monsoon frogs, their milieu is strangely different
from the simple one we knew.  Oh friend, do you ever feel forsaken in
this new world blog bog, too?!